Monday, 26 September 2022

Hyper-V Setting


Switch Embedded Teaming (SET):
New-VMSwitch -Name SET -NetAdapterName "Embedded NIC 1","Embedded NIC 2"

Remove "Embedded NIC 1" in Teaming:
Set-VMSwitchTeam -Name SET -NetAdapterName "Embedded NIC 2"

Change LB:
Set-VMSwitchTeam -Name SET -LoadBalancingAlgorithm Dynamic
Set-VMSwitchTeam -Name SET -LoadBalancingAlgorithm HyperVPort

Show Teaming:
Get-VMSwitchTeam -Name SET | FL

Remove Teaming:
Remove-VMSwitch SET

Not Use:
    Set-VMSwitch -Name "Team1" -AllowNetLBFOTEAMS $true -AllowManagementOS $true

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Redirect Website



Monday, 6 June 2022

Backup & Restore iPhone using iTunes

Backup iPhone with iTunes:
1. Launch iTunes on computer.
2. Connect you iPhone.
3. Click the iPhone icon on iTunes.

4. Trust This Computer on iPhone.

5. Tick Encrypt local backup and set the password.

6. Backing up

7. Verify Backup

8. Backup file location

Restore to Old iPhone:
1) Setting > (your name) > Find My > Find My iPhone > turn off Find My iPhone

2) Click Restore Backup from iTunes.

Restore to New iPhone:
1) Can be transfer via Bluetooth or Set Up Manual via iTunes.

2) Choose the Wi-Fi to activate iPhone.

3) Create a Passcode.

4) Restore from Mac or PC.

5) Connect to iPhone to your laptop.
6) Open iTunes.
7) Select the Backup and Continue.

8) Press Home

Monday, 10 January 2022

Create VMware template for Windows Server 2019

Create VMware template for Windows Server 2019:

1) After install Windows Server 2019, install VMware Tools and restart.
2) Perform Windows updates.
3) Enable Remote Desktop Services.
4) Turn off Windows Defender Firewall.
5) Disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration.
6) Use SysPrep, Right-Click [Start] button and select [Run], then input [sysprep].

7) Convert to Template
Note: Reduce the VM CPU count and memory resources to the minimum and convert the VM to template, switch the CD/DVD drive to client device as well disconnect it and convert the VM to template.